
Social Learning

This is my 3rd course/MOOC, and this course is way ahead of anything else I’ve seen. Data, Analytics, and Learning provides “An introduction to the logic and methods of analysis of data to improve teaching and learning”. The most surprising to me is its non-linear structure and the several social tools involved.

You will experiment multiple learning pathways/dual layer MOOC. The instructors referred to this experiment as a metaphor. First of all, you basically have two choices, the “red pill” and the “blue pill”. The blue pill is what you are the most familiar with: it is the typical classroom environment, where you will be guided through a linear path of material, such as videos and assignments.

On the other hand, if you choose the red pill then you are about to choose a totally different way of learning (yeah, give it a shot!). You will be self-guided and responsible to connect with other learners to work on problems and assignments. Learners are encouraged to interact through various social tools (e.g. Blogs, Facebook, G+, Twitter, edX Forum) and share their artifacts. These artifacts can be videos, blog posts, graphics, images, or any other resources that you can share.

There are several new tools in DALMOOC, including Prosolo, Bazaar, Quick Helper, Visual Syllabus, Assignment Bank, and so on. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed but it has been a good experience anyway.

I created a ProSolo profile (it represents my online identity for DALMOOC). ProSolo is a social learning platform connected to edX. My profile includes my personal data, my social media and my geographic location. Moreover, it points out my geographic neighbors and I can buddy up with them. ProSolo provides learners with the ability to share knowledge, expertise, form groups, develop their competencies, work on assignments and peer assessment

Another interesting aspect is that it tracks my content published in the web and it integrates the social media. For example, this blog post will be tracked and thereafter available for peer assessment. If you are a twitter user then you can share the content using #DALMOOC tag.

There’s also another social learning tool named “Bazaar”. This is a collaborative activity that will allow you to connect with other learners – in real time – to complete exercises related to course topics. Once you log in, you will enter a lobby program and a virtual instructor will guide you and your partner throughout the discussion. In my case, I had the opportunity to learn more about the topic with my partner due to our level of expertise.

At first I found Prosolo difficult to manage, but now you can find some video tutorials to help users how to use ProSolo.

By the way, I’m taking the red pill of #DALMOOC. Wait for next posts. Meanwhile, let’s check out the red pill effect.

Ready for social learning ? Go for it!

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